
Realtime Hands-on Guiding powered by AI!

Feel free to consult your Chinese AI language partner, Viva, anytime and anywhere. You can practice your spoken Chinese directly with Viva, ask for help with vocabulary and grammar issues, and have your awkward Chinese quickly polished into more authentic expressions.

Support for Android is under development.

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About ChineseGenie

A revolutionary way to learn Chinese, powered by advanced AI technologies, natural language processing, and speech recognition capabilities! Chat with your AI Chinese speaking companion, Viva, anytime and anywhere about your favorite books, French restaurants, and much more. Viva speaks with the same authentic Putonghua (Mandarin) pronunciation as a native speaker, but without the need to schedule a time like a real Chinese teacher. Always online and available, there's no hourly fee to worry about.

Stumped by a sentence you can't read or understand? Viva will instantly translate it into your native language with perfect accuracy. Speak confidently, as Viva is there to correct grammar mistakes; need to write a Chinese report? Viva will help polish your sentences, fixing not only grammar issues but also addressing any improper word usage.

Viva, your Chinese Genie, is your dedicated AI assistant on your language learning journey. Discover a new, engaging, and effective way to master Chinese with the ChineseGenie App!

© 2023, Baiyan Technology (Hangzhou) Co.,Ltd